Thursday, June 12, 2014

Inspired to Care for the Ocean, Thanks Take 3

Here at Willard School we always trying to come up with ways to throw less in the trash. It's second nature to think before we throw something away. From working to reduce the amount we send to landfills with the help of Terracycle, to recycling, to composting and zero-waste lunches, we want to be sure we are responsible about the resources we use.

We were very excited to learn about Take3, a group that is sending a message about protecting the oceans. Their work has inspired us to recognize the ways that we can have an impact from land. One thing we've learned is that pollution and litter become water pollution when it rains. Knowing this we have set out to take more care... we're going to Take 3! Here were the steps that we took:

The first graders took on noticing...

And then began to help clean up...

 Then more of us got involved and we sorted our trash so it didn't all go to a landfill, and to be very sure it didn't injure animals, people or end up in the ocean.

Finally, we sorted everything so it found it's right place:

Our students we're very interested by this video by a student on the Take 3 website:

We've learned a lot from these few steps... thanks Take 3! Check out the Take 3 website to find out more: