Thursday, January 26, 2012

Time to Head Out and Play!

As we focus on wellness here at Willard, we are noticing the direct connection between the health of people and the health of our environment. How do we keep ourselves healthy? How do we create a healthy environment? We see this as one question, not two separate questions. And our response? Seek out deep nature connections.

How do you do this? One way to try it, and this is a tough one... Get outside and play! Yes, the project is that simple.

We are thinking that we can help inspire each other to be more active, healthy, and Earth-conscious. Here's how you can be part of the inspiration: Whenever you find yourself out somewhere, send us a photo from the location. Go ahead and use your smartphone and send them to We'll share the photos in class, and we'll post them on a our wellness bulletin board. If it's ok with you, we'll also share them on our websites (we will not share photos online that have student faces).

There is mounting research to confirm what many of us adults remember about our childhoods. That our free, unstructured play offered something powerful for our development. We were trusted by our parents to explore the neighborhood and world around us. There is a lot of interesting research that now begs the question, "Why are we spending so much time indoors?"

Here are a few links that might be of interest, and you might find one or more of them worth sharing:

The Benefits of Nature Play:

Old-Fashioned Play Builds Serious Skills:

Get Outside and Play Challenge... There's no bad weather, just bad clothes. Bundle up!

The More High Tech Schools Become, the More They Need Nature:

We offer space in the classroom for students to share those things that they are passionate about. At home and at school your children are trusted to explore their interests in some wonderful ways! If there are discoveries, stories or more that come from this, more than the photos of your travels into the backyard and beyond, we are happy to give them a forum to share. This is one way we support one another.

Thanks and we're excited to be inspired to play!

1 comment:

  1. AMEN! There's a pile of data supporting free, outdoor play for kids. I profiled the C&NN last year for Kiwi: - we're now working working nationally with nature centers/national parks to "prescribe" nature activities for kids.
