Monday, November 7, 2011

Turn It Off -> Power Up!

Willard's Earth-minded students, the Green Ambassadors have noticed that being green and being well go together. We have found that the health of people is closely related to the health of the planet.

The more time we spend
caring for ourselves and enjoying the Earth,
the less energy we waste!

Turn It Off -> Power Up! from Willard Wellness on Vimeo.

This first video is a reminder to save electricity and get outside to play (one way to reduce pollution!). We have to thank our friends and mentors of Ridgewood High School's club Students for Environmental Action for sharing their Turning Off The Lights Project.

Some other things we've learned will be highlighted in future video projects. We have found that: healthy people create healthy environments, and healthy environments create healthy people. We want Willard to be as strong as can be. Also, there's a link between healthy soil and growing healthy foods... and any of that healthy produce can go right back in the compost bin. No waste!

So we could use your help with this video project. Watch our video (above) and then respond with ways that you will turn off the power and get outdoors. We would like to add these ideas to the next movie. We would even love to have you answer our video with your own video! Up for the challenge? Let us know how you get your Earth connection!

Monday, October 3, 2011

The Kearns and Altieri Farm Report

Check out Mr. Kearns's and Mr. Altieri's trip to Stone Barns Farm
[Made possible by the Whole Foods: Nominate Your Teacher Award!]

Thanks to all the hard work of the Willard community, we are known for being one of the most Earth-minded and green places in our town! Everyday, Willard students and staff are making choices to care for the Earth in creative ways... we recycle, compost, protect our grounds, save power and get outside!

Mr. Altieri and Mr. Kearns had the opportunity to keep this tradition going by learning more about healthy ecosystems in a trip to Stone Barns farm, not far from Tarrytown, NY. By talking to farmers and harvesting greens and eggs, the teachers got to experience a system of healthy foods, people, animals and soil. They are finding ways to help us all play our parts in helping us be the best! We are looking forward to an even healthier environment here at Willard. Maybe even our own crops...

and how about a few chickens!? ;-)

Check out more about the Stone Barns Center here.

Wellness Wednesday Returns!

Thanks for participating in Wellness Wednesday last year everyone! We are all stronger for the colorful, power packed foods we ate. Our compost bins are well fed too! Wellness Wednesday helps create zero-waste since we compost fruit and vegetable left-overs. This means a healthier YOU and a healthier ENVIRONMENT.

Now get ready for Wednesday, October 5th! This year we will run Wellness Wednesday EVERY Wednesday. October is ORANGE month. EVERY Wednesday in October (that means 10/5, 10/12, 10/19, 10/26) wear ORANGE and bring in ORANGE fruits and/or veggies for lunch. The produce section (or your backyard garden or local farm!) are great places to find these foods. This ensures less packaging too. Did you ever notice that the healthiest, freshest foods don't come in a package?

Considering orange food ideas? See if you can find: apricots, grapefruit, mango, nectarines, oranges, papayas, squashes, carrots, pumpkin, yellow beets, yams, and certain tomatoes.

Orange foods are full of powerful antioxidants that can be good for your joints and keep your body clean. Thanks for celebrating Wellness Wednesday with us!

Monday, April 4, 2011

It's Time to PLAY!

Did you notice that the bulbs each of us planted in November are sprouting up around Willard? That was the sign that we would look for. So we now know it's now time to get out to play! We asked some students about the best places to play around Willard. We found that the Willard field is one of the best places to play in Willard neighborhood.

Image: Vlado /

As we work on being our healthiest, we find that healthy environments are important too. We are sure to recycle and compost our waste here at school. Getting out to play with nature is also a great way to strengthen ourselves and our environment. There are studies that explore the benefits of unstructured playtime. This recent article highlights some of the ideas:

A quote from the article:
"...according to researchers, not just because play reduces stress and makes children more socially competent—which evidence suggests that it does. It matters also because play supposedly improves working memory and self-regulation; in other words, it makes kids sharper and better-behaved."

We have also noticed that the Children and Nature Network support some great initiatives to remind us to get outside:

You might also just know it in your bones... playtime is the best time, and some of the best lessons happen once you were turned out from dawn to dusk, playing in your neighborhood.

So how do you play? Don't just sit there, go for it!

Be well!