Saturday, December 11, 2010

An All Natural Hand Sanitizer

For hands that are clean, moisturized and sweet smelling, try an all natural, alcohol-free hand sanitizer.  Especially helpful during flu season!  In the video below, two Earth-minded Ridgewood students, Matthew and Talia, share their secret for preventing the spread of disease when soap and water are not available.  Calling upon the power of herbs and plants, this basic mixture will keep you clear of dried out, alcohol scented hands while supporting your health!

Many in the Willard School community use this mixture regularly and will find others asking about the great smell.  The mixture is derived from a recipe designed by thieves to protect themselves from the bubonic plague.  Really!

Read more about the story and benefits of using these herbs at Dr. Larry Rosen, M.D.'s blog The Whole Child.  Thanks to Dr. Rosen for sharing the recipe, which can be found below.  Also read more about herbs and flu prevention in his latest newsletter.

Be well!

Washing hands with regular soap and water is still recommended to prevent the spread of disease.

All Natural Hand Sanitizer Recipe

1. In a small bowl, put one drop each of the following essential oils:
cinnamon, clove, rosemary and eucalyptus.

2. Add five drops of lemon essential oil. Mix in 1 ounce of water and 1/2 teaspoon aloe vera gel (available at pharmacies and health food stores).

3. Store in an airtight container or a small travel-size bottle.

Note: Essential oils can be purchased online or at health food stores.
Alternative: Instead of purchasing the 5 separate essential oils, use 5 drops of the "Thieves" blend from Young Living Essential Oils (