Saturday, December 11, 2010

An All Natural Hand Sanitizer

For hands that are clean, moisturized and sweet smelling, try an all natural, alcohol-free hand sanitizer.  Especially helpful during flu season!  In the video below, two Earth-minded Ridgewood students, Matthew and Talia, share their secret for preventing the spread of disease when soap and water are not available.  Calling upon the power of herbs and plants, this basic mixture will keep you clear of dried out, alcohol scented hands while supporting your health!

Many in the Willard School community use this mixture regularly and will find others asking about the great smell.  The mixture is derived from a recipe designed by thieves to protect themselves from the bubonic plague.  Really!

Read more about the story and benefits of using these herbs at Dr. Larry Rosen, M.D.'s blog The Whole Child.  Thanks to Dr. Rosen for sharing the recipe, which can be found below.  Also read more about herbs and flu prevention in his latest newsletter.

Be well!

Washing hands with regular soap and water is still recommended to prevent the spread of disease.

All Natural Hand Sanitizer Recipe

1. In a small bowl, put one drop each of the following essential oils:
cinnamon, clove, rosemary and eucalyptus.

2. Add five drops of lemon essential oil. Mix in 1 ounce of water and 1/2 teaspoon aloe vera gel (available at pharmacies and health food stores).

3. Store in an airtight container or a small travel-size bottle.

Note: Essential oils can be purchased online or at health food stores.
Alternative: Instead of purchasing the 5 separate essential oils, use 5 drops of the "Thieves" blend from Young Living Essential Oils (

Monday, November 8, 2010

Roasted Root Veggies!

Last month we celebrated Wellness Wednesday with orange and yellow foods.  Some of those foods like carrots, sweet potatoes, and squash taste great roasted.  Roasting vegetables is a simple way to get vitamins, minerals and great sugars into your diet.  They offer a short prep time and easy cooking.  Below is a recipe from Dr. Andrew Weil for roasted vegetables as seen in the New York Times.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Kids Will Eat 'Em... With Enthusiasm!

"Mom, I need a squash." "Dad, remember to pick up some orange peppers." "Let's get some bananas!" Unlikely kid commentary? Maybe; but Willard students have their minds on the produce section of the supermarket.
One Wednesday a month students and staff bring in a healthy snack straight from the Earth, or produce section (no packaging!) that matches up with the month's designated color. Participants also wear clothes to match that color. October is orange/yellow month. We are having a blast shopping, sharing and eating!
Orange foods can improve vision, help your heart, strengthen the immune system, and lower the risk of some types of cancers.
Students who bring in these nourishing foods are highlighted on a bulletin board with information on nutrition and recipes. 

And there's no waste! Any leftovers are composted right here at Willard.

Looking for an easy way to incorporate veggies into your routine? Try roasting them! Roughly cut some sweet potatoes or golden beets (or any other veggies!) and place them in a baking dish. Add a small amount of oil, salt and pepper (and other spices if you like). Send 'em into the oven at about 400 degrees until cooked through (approx. 30-40min). Doing this will warm your home (with some aromatherapy) and get your family a healthy dose of vitamins, minerals and natural sugars. Kids will be more excited about eating healthy foods when they're included in the preparation.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Looking for Balance? Try Yoga!

The Willard Panther gives Tree Pose a try.
Students, parents and teachers of the Willard Community recently joined yoga teacher (and parent) Pam Chmiel for a free yoga session out on the field.

As the sun came up over the trees, the yogis practiced the Sun Salutation and other poses. Participants also learned a meaning of a greeting in India... Namaste (NAH-mah-stay) which can be translated, "The goodness in me sees the goodness in you." We like it!

Yoga helps our bodies stay balanced, focused and in control. It is a great way to start off a school day. Willard is continuing a commitment to healthy ways by sharing the wisdom of our community at school.

Have wellness tips or stories to share? Questions? Students working on Wellness projects? Contact us; we'd love to hear from you!